What steps do we take to be married in Florida?
Both you and your fiancé "together" will need to go to the courthouse or any Marriage License office near you in whichever county you prefer in the State of Florida to solicit your Marriage License
You will need to present your identification as they will be notarizing your signatures
The Marriage License fee is currently $86.00
The Marriage License is valid 3-days after you received it and expires after 60 days
Make sure to bring the license with you for the Wedding Officiant on the day of your ceremony
After your wedding ceremony and after your Marriage License has been signed by your Wedding Officiant (witnesses are not mandatory) you will need to mail it to the courthouse in the envelope provided to you by the Marriage License office within 10-days. Or you can submit it in person.
You will receive your certified copy for your records via U.S. Postal Service within 10-days of the day they receive it. If you go in person, you will receive it immediately.
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Nancy Ventura – Beautiful Bridal Ceremonies
Congratulations Top Gun Nancy Ventura
and to the team at Beautiful Bridal Ceremonies!
Nancy Ventura, you and your company are hereby recognized as a Top Gun Orange County wedding service company by the County Advisory Board.
Top Guns are recognized as someone whose skills and services go above and beyond the call of duty to make their local communities and counties a better place to call home. Nancy is the owner of Beautiful Bridal Ceremonies, a full-service wedding service and officiant company located in Orange County. Nancy is a professional and has become a leader in the wedding service industry. Beautiful Bridal Ceremonies provides its customers with high-quality, reliable, and affordable products and services.
The cities, towns and communities of Orange County are expanded by commerce. Some individuals leap into entrepreneurship taking on risks, working long hours, and adding their creativity. Business owners, like Nancy, are responsible for their business success, staff and customer satisfaction.
These individuals, like Nancy Ventura and their businesses, are the foundation of a stable economy.
Local Search Force, owners of the County Advisory Board, encourages consumers to shop local whenever possible! Looking for a wedding service company? Please give Beautiful Bridal Ceremonies an opportunity to win your business.
Beautiful Bridal Ceremonies is accepting new customers.
You can find them online at
or call them at (407) 282-7892
Nancy Ventura, you are admired for your entrepreneurship and highly commended for owning and operating a business that adds financial well-being and stability to Orange County.
Well Done Top Gun Nancy Ventura!
The World Can Use More Good News!
You can find this article on the Orange County Advisory Board's website: